Home Incredible A dog took the yard kittens under its wing and taught them...

A dog took the yard kittens under its wing and taught them to be brave


A nice dog took two timid kittens under her wing, taught them love and courage.

Last month, two kittens were found in a yard in New York, about ten to twelve weeks old. Very frightened, they did not come close to people. Rescuers set up several humane traps in the hope of helping the kittens.

After several attempts, they managed to catch the babies separately and bring them to the municipal shelter.

Volunteer overexposure Asa, having learned about it, did not stand aside and offered her services. And her seven-year-old dog Kona was looking forward to the arrival of new pupils.

Kona has been bored without kittens for several days after her last charges went to their new families. “We watched baby Kona moping for several days, and finally we were able to cheer her up,” says Asa.

Upon arrival, Blair, a beautiful tortoiseshell kitty, became very shy. She had little contact with people in her life and had no desire to start. And it was Kona who knew exactly what the kitten needed.

Kona touched the carrier with her paws and eagerly wanted to meet the new one. She followed Blair in after her, washing her insistently and cuddling her. Having received so much love, the young shy kitty quickly overcame her shyness.

While her instincts told her to run and hide, she remained in place and absorbed the gentle care of her dog friend.

Soon Blair began to purr charmingly and even tried to drink milk at Kona, as if that was her mother.

The next day, Chester, Blair's brother, arrived for overexposure. The red-haired boy had problems with socialization. He didn't get out of the carrier because he was too afraid. Needless to say that Kona came to his rescue.

She ran up to the new one and climbed right into the carrier to hug him. Then she lay down next to Chester, as if to assure him that he was safe.

“I have no idea than Kona takes these kittens. She has some special charms,” says Asa.

With the help of Kona, both kittens gradually loosened up. They plucked up the courage to approach the foster mom for treats, and Kona was there and cheered.

Since then, the three fell in love with napping together, in a common fluffy bunch.

And although the kittens were still afraid of people, they felt loved and needed under the protection of mommy Kona.

When- then Asa took Kona along with her three puppies for overexposure.

The nice dog remained in Asa's house for good and became an affectionate mother for many foster kittens that come here.

Blair and Chester slowly, but surely become more self-confident. Kona encourages them to play and try new things.

The tortoiseshell girl has already begun to enjoy affection and even reciprocates the person – she can lick her hand.

Kona is proud to see her adopted children so happy and continues to show im love everyday.

Even the most timid kittens cannot resist the charms of Mommy Kona.

Source: bezkota.ru

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