HomeAwesomeThe family put a newborn cat to a nursing dog

The family put a newborn cat to a nursing dog

American Brittany Callan was helping her relative renovate the house when she suddenly heard a faint squeak coming from the garden. The woman did not ignore this and went to where the sounds were coming from. There she saw a tiny still blind cat.

Brittany did not touch the baby, thinking that his mother had gone somewhere and would soon return. However, during the day the squeak did not stop, so the woman again went to the place where the kitten was lying. He remained alone, quietly eating from hunger. Then the woman took pity on the animal and took it home.

her dog Ruby was waiting for her with newborn puppies, which she fed. Brittany fearfully expected the reaction of the pet, but she did not show any aggressiveness towards the foundling. On the contrary, she gave him the opportunity to eat, turning to the kitten. Ruby's puppies also adopted the baby as their own.

Maybe , this happened because Ruby had already taken care of the orphaned babies of other animals several times. She took care of guinea pigs, baby rabbits, and now she has taken care of little Rose.

Brittany Callan posted on her Facebook page touching photos of the acquaintance of the adopted child and Doberman Ruby. In the comments, she said that little Rose rarely feeds on dog milk, so she is given nutrient mixtures.

However, the dog pays attention to his adopted “daughter”, looking after her, as well as his puppies. This story shows that even a formidable dog can become a loving friend to a defenseless creature.

Source: duck.show

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