HomeIncredibleA half-sized cat with huge eyes became attached to the family of...

A half-sized cat with huge eyes became attached to the family of his rescuers and became a luxurious handsome man

People gave a half-sized kitten a chance to fight and turned his life around.

Beth, a foster volunteer at Kitty Kottage, has been informed of a 99g kitten in distress. Seeing him live, the woman was amazed at how small he really was.

The three-week-old kitten was the size of a newborn. Rejected by his mother due to his health problems, he badly needed someone to love and bottle feed him.

“He's been struggling ever since he survived at three weeks old in the state he was in,” says Beth. He arrived at them with crusty eyes. – “I was worried if he could see.”

A kitten named Guinness had problems feeding both from a pacifier and from a syringe, and for the first few days he was put on drips.

Beth and her family worked tirelessly to provide the baby with nourishment every hour, as well as caress throughout the day and night. The kitten liked best to sleep in the crook of Beth's neck.

Through the efforts of the guardians, Guinness's eyes recovered and his appetite increased. He began to eat in large quantities at each feeding and even more to ask for attention. to grab onto the pacifier, I realized – he did it, ”says Beth.

Guinness has a tiny body but a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. From the very beginning, he was prone to affection and, after each feeding, clung to his people for a long time. small bundle. He woke up and got out, working his head, says Beth. “He is strong, I felt it on the first day, taking him in my arms.”

With its strength and will to live, the kitten struck its people more than once.

At the age of one month, he was still half his normal size, but the blue-eyed miracle eater ate until he was full, trying to grow faster.

Gaining some strength in his muscles, he jumped onto all four legs without hesitation. He quickly learned to play with toys, every day he became faster and more indomitable.

Watch the kitten's story on the video :

But he still loved to cuddle with his people more. Climbing onto their shoulders, he charmingly trampled with his paws.

After unrestrained games, the kitten relaxed from the heart. Having hunted and fought with all the objects that fell into his field of vision, he clung to a person for recharging.

Taking a nap with Guinness under his rolling purr is always great.

It took some time before the growth spurt occurred. While remaining petite, the kitten has evolved as a personality. to the purr is added such a whistle with a chirp,” writes Beth.

Guinness is still that talker and does not hesitate to state his many demands.

“He was staring out the window in my bedroom, and he was outraged that a car drove by! He hastened to share his opinion with us.”

Guinness is a manual cat and follows his people. “He always sleeps in our bed. Before – between our heads, now he went to sleep at his feet. “

even tries to treat his hair like a cat.

The character of the kitten was fully formed when he grew up to adolescence.

Guinness fills the house with endless movement and sounds of his glorious chirp.

Almost a year has passed since he met his dream family. Guinness has become a wonderful pet for them and a beautiful cat.

“He weighed only 99g at three weeks old when I took his. I never imagined that he would become the way he is,” says Beth.

Source: bezkota.ru

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