HomeAwesome10 funny pictures of pets that can't live without their favorite toy

10 funny pictures of pets that can't live without their favorite toy

The attachment of our smaller brothers to toys is one of the most difficult issues of the universe.

It is hard to understand what they find in old, shabby gizmos. But watching is pure pleasure.

1. Favorite toy was captured by a terrible washing machine.

2. The cat has awakened maternal instinct for a soft tiger.

3. Seals also like to play.

four. It is difficult to resist the fangs and great feelings of the cute four-legged.

5. Loyalty through the years.

6. A thing dear to the heart and sleep makes it stronger.

7. For some, a teddy bear is a tool for sharpening claws.

eight. Pressing a toy mouse, dreams of a real one.

9. But, in the end, friendship wins.

ten. And love.

Source: lemurov.net

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