HomeAwesome15 situations when a pet was brought in, but the instructions for...

15 situations when a pet was brought in, but the instructions for it were forgotten

People do not like to read manuals and instructions, they say, and so we will figure it out. Not the first time and there is nothing complicated there!

In practice, as usual, everything turns out differently. Take at least pets that are smarter than other vacuum cleaners or washing machines – sometimes you can’t figure out how to react and what to do.

He climbed into the refrigerator, saw chocolate milk instead of regular milk and fell into a stupor

Does he want to sit inside or is he trying to get out?

I'm ashamed to admit that I can't get out, so I pretend to be calm

These are some very strange games

I sit high, I look far away!

The penetration into the sofa is successful!

He has a biting reaction to any shoe

Twisted, curled up and happy!

When your head is empty, it's easier to jump up a tree!

Once upon a time there were two dogs, one smart , and second…

This is the same as, most importantly, why did you have to bend like that?

Tell me, is she supposed to behave like this?

He sat down right in the bowl of water, not empty. And sits there like this.

It seems that during assembly the head was incorrectly attached to him

Why stretch forward both legs and tail?

It seems that the instructions will not help here. Yes, only rollback to factory settings. And that is not a fact.

Source: lemurov.net

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