Puppies are such a miracle of nature and evolution, a favorite animal of all people of all times. Unlike adult dogs, everything is more complicated there.
their mommies are dogs. Not everything, to be honest, but in this selection – only happy ones!
She is full of enthusiasm
Nose to the nose
Who here barked at my daughter?
Let's go to dad
Infinite Source of Happiness
Infinite Source of Happiness
15 Tails of Happiness
All in mom
Raviolka became a mother for the first time!
Raviolka became a mother for the first time!
Sincere emotions
Selfies with the kids
It's good when children eat well
She has nine puppies
Mom is mom, no matter how many paws she has. Until the kids grow up and become independent, you can enjoy your happiness.
Source: lemurov.net
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