HomeAwesome19 cat breeds that turned out to be the most beautiful according...

19 cat breeds that turned out to be the most beautiful according to the golden ratio

For each owner, their cats, cats and kittens are the most beautiful, smart, wonderful and charming animals in the world. But there is a way that helps to objectively evaluate the cuteness of any fluffy – and this is the golden ratio.

To determine the beauty of each cat breed, they have they measure the distance between the eyes, ears and other parts of the muzzle, and also check them for proportion.

Three breeds of cats took first place at once, because nothing separated them from the ideal.

17th place — ragdoll

AT In this ranking, several breeds can take the same place at once. The fact is that the ratio of proportions they got the same or very close. This means that they are equally close or far from ideal.

17th place — Korat

16th place — American Shorthair

15th place — pixiebob

14th place — Burmese cat

13th place — American Wirehair

12th place — American Bobtail

11th place — Angora cat

10th place — Egyptian Mau

9th place — Maine Coon

8th place — Siamese cat

7th place — Selkirk Rex

6th place — Siberian cat

But not only the beauty of a cat is measured by the golden ratio. With its help, the researchers were able to determine the most handsome male celebrities.

5th place – ragamuffin

But not only the beauty of a cat is measured by the golden ratio. With its help, the researchers were able to determine the most handsome male celebrities.

4th place – ragamuffin

3rd place — Manx

2nd place — Russian blue cat

1st place — Norwegian Forest Cat

What other breeds of cats were in the top handsome and beauties can be seen on the site allaboutcats, which was engaged in counting their faces.

Source: twizz.ru

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