Tiny kitten Mia received a blow of fate literally in the very first days of her life – the baby was weaned from her mother just a week after birth.
East, it's not always a delicate matter. This probably influenced her – when Mia opened her eyes, they were huge. It seemed that the kitten looked at the world with horror, and few people could understand what was really hidden behind them.
This is Mia, the kitten with big eyes
First hosts don't know anything about cats, and when after a couple of weeks Mia was covered with scabs and parasites, they gladly got rid of her. Fortunately, the kitten was picked up by Layla D'Souza, who knew how to take care of such goners. It was then that it turned out that Mia is just a fearless beast!
Do you see the predator? And this is it!
The kitten ate like crazy, literally diving into the bowl. All the sores disappeared literally after the first course of treatment. Mia turned into a concentrate of energy and arrogance, boldly attacking a much larger dog, so much so that she quickly recognized who was in charge here. Leila noticed that if a kitten's eyes begin to open, some kind of trick will follow in a second.
Who haven't we nightmared today?
As a result, the grown-up Mia was expelled from the country, at the request of the new owners they were transported across half the world, where she became a new member families. It seems like she has settled down a little, but she has not lost her habits of mischief.