A few months ago, Ludwig C. Timm noticed that unusual construction was taking place in front of his home in Germany. To be precise, squirrels made their nest outside his bathroom window. Soon the man witnessed the sweetest scene ever. But we envy him!

Lovely family right outside the window
At first we noticed only a few small twigs lying on the windowsill. We thought maybe they got there by the wind. Soon, however, we saw the squirrels and then we knew that they chose this place to start their family. – says Ludwig C. Timm.

For Timm, who is a photographer, this situation was a great opportunity to document the life of the squirrels up close, especially as their furry family began to grow. For a short time the man managed to record the sweetest scene ever.

Extremely lovely moment
Timm from months watching the life of squirrels outside the window. But among the many photos of their daily lives, one thing stands out in particular. After checking the nest one day, Timm noticed the squirrels hugging each other while they slept. What a lovely moment!

It was so lucky to be able to take a picture of the sleeping squirrels. Usually they're in the nest, but it was hot that day, so they went outside. It's great that I had the opportunity to see this scene live and also to photograph it. – added Timm.