HomeWe Love PetsCat mother hears the crying of orphaned children from another room and...

Cat mother hears the crying of orphaned children from another room and decides to adopt them all

Cotilion had just given birth to two kittens when suddenly she heard a soft meowing coming from another room. An agitated kitten began to walk around the house. For she was sure that there were more children just outside the door who needed her help – they needed their mother. Turns out she was right.

Kocia mama słyszy płacz osieroconych dzieci z innego pokoju i postanawia je wszystkie adoptować

Kocia mama słyszy płacz osieroconych dzieci z innego pokoju i postanawia je wszystkie adoptować

Source: Jamie Gothro

Cotilion was living in a San Bernardino shelter when she reached out with her paw towards Jamie Gothro. Charmed by the boldness of the pregnant cat, the woman began to raise her future mother.

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Post shared by Jamie Forrest Gothro (@cat_flipper)

Extraordinary kitty attitude

Cotilion quickly gave birth to two kittens. When the puppies were almost two weeks old, the San Diego Humane Society contacted Jamie Gothro about a litter of four orphaned kittens that had no one to look after. The woman hoped Cotillion would raise these abandoned children as her own, but she was also careful about it all. She was going to keep these 4 babies in another room until she was sure the time was right to introduce them to the mother of the cat.

However, when the kittens arrived, Cotilion heard their soft crying and immediately started looking for them. She seemed to be worried about their safety and as soon as she located them, she began to nurture the newly arrived kittens along with her own children.

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Post shared by Jamie Forrest Gothro (@cat_flipper)

Cotilion did not care that the number of kittens had suddenly tripled. She seemed happy to have them all. Jamie Gothro admitted.

Jamie, who has raised many kittens, said not all of them have a strong maternal instinct. However, Cotilion is unique. Really cares about children. He keeps them close to him and even plays hide and seek with them.

Kocia mama słyszy płacz osieroconych dzieci z innego pokoju i postanawia je wszystkie adoptować

Source: Jamie Gothro

Cotilion is a true blessing to four orphaned children who were lucky enough to be raised by a female cat, not just a human. I think that thanks to this, these little ones will grow up into cats that are well adapted to life. Jamie Gothro added.

Once the kittens are stronger, they will all be available for adoption through the San Diego SPOT rescue organization. Cotilion will also be available for adoption there. Until then, everyone will be safe and happy enjoying their newly made family!


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